About Us

Connecting local Indigenous cultures with the travel industry to help inspire, create, and support authentic, meaningful adventure travel experiences.

The World Indigenous Tourism Alliance - WINTA

Connecting local Indigenous cultures with the travel industry to help inspire, create, and support authentic, meaningful adventure travel experiences.

Wwr Winta Table Paitc 2015 © Scott Alpine
© Scott Alpine - ScottAlpine.com

Empowering Opportunity Through Tourism

The World Indigenous Tourism Alliance is an Indigenous-led global network of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples and organizations who seek to give practical expression to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, through tourism.

We are committed to working with Indigenous communities, tourism industry entities, states, and NGOs which have an interest in addressing the aspirations of Indigenous peoples seeking empowerment through tourism and producing mutually beneficial outcomes.

Our Story

The World Indigenous Tourism Alliance is an Indigenous-led global network of Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples and organizations who seek to give practical expression to the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, through tourism.

Ben Sherman Gift To Host Nations, Chiliean Delegates Paitc 2015 © Scott Alpine
© Scott Alpine - ScottAlpine.com

We are committed to working with Indigenous communities, tourism industry entities, states, and NGOs which have an interest in addressing the aspirations of Indigenous peoples seeking empowerment through tourism and producing mutually beneficial outcomes

The World Indigenous Tourism Alliance (WINTA) was incorporated on March 27, 2012, in the Larrakia Nation in the Northern Territories of Australia. The organization was created from the global, collective aspirations of Indigenous interests in tourism and is an Indigenous initiative that is based on key human Indigenous rights including the rights to self-determination, self-governance, and the right to maintain and develop their own distinct institutions and to maintain and develop cross-border contacts critical to maintaining their communities and cultures.

Today, WINTA is established to facilitate future international partnerships on behalf of six Indigenous tourism associations. As as a non-profit, the organization is guided by a Leadership Council and operated by a dedicated team of volunteers

Providing a Forum for Meaningful Indigenous Tourism Development

The World Indigenous Tourism Alliance (WINTA) was founded to create and support an international network of indigenous individuals and groups dedicated to tourism development. WINTA is committed to cooperatively developing and implementing strategies for the advancement of indigenous tourism. The organization works within the tourism industry in ways that promote partnerships and heightened respect for indigenous wisdom, values and knowledge.

The creation of WINTA is the result of years of discussions by Indigenous and non-Indigenous tourism leaders who share the same belief that a tourism industry based on universal Indigenous values provides the opportunity for improved global social, environmental and economic outcomes, not just for Indigenous peoples, but for all peoples.

Chile Lcikan Antay Community Meeting

Founding Shareholders

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